Keira Knightley!!!


I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
What an appropriate name - for if iI was her man - she'd get it "Knightley" - and in the morning and a Nooner and.... She is truly GORGEOUS and I have been madly in love with her ever since seeing the last few pix of her in this thread (the tube top pix)





Some of the SEXIEST Abs you will EVER see on a woman!





Give BB 2.5k he makes it 20k within 3 months 99out
Dec 20, 2001

Weren't you the same guy who fell in love with Roxy after seeing her pic?

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Whats dat azz lQQkin like? Any true babe needs to have a nice tail bone.


Give BB 2.5k he makes it 20k within 3 months 99out
Dec 20, 2001
She has a great face. I think she needs a few of those Paris Hilton burgers myself. All of those Hollywood babes stay that thin by one of 4 ways:

1. Anorexia/Bulimea
2. Speed
3. Laxitives
4. Surgery

She looks to me like an eating disorder

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
Hitman26 said:

Weren't you the same guy who fell in love with Roxy after seeing her pic?

Nice try - but NO! and for the record - we have NEVER seen his/her pic - only a really good try at trying to put one over on us - and something NO ONE bought as being him/her.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
winkyduck said:
Nice try - but NO! and for the record - we have NEVER seen his/her pic - only a really good try at trying to put one over on us - and something NO ONE bought as being him/her.
:lolBIG: oh really?you and the kool aid drinkers can believe anything your told cuz your not smart enough to figure this all out. let me enlighten you. go to and go to interviews. your answers can be found there. if you wont do that then dont bring my name up here. alot of you sheeple are so wrong about me the rx has an incredibly bad image around the net.this isnt the only posting forum out there.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Honestly, why would a 'chic' open a thread started by winky called Keira Knightley!!! . .you already know its just going to be photos of chics

unless she was bisexual or gay

I'm not suggesting a chic has opened this thread, but I just thought of this for some wierd reason and wanted to share with you people becuase you know I just wanted to.

New member
Oct 4, 2004
When Eog opens up and all the drama will clutter that site. You Identity and more of the infamus forum rejects that have been accused to shit and forced to leave a forum because off thier dumb ass personality on the net.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Funk, arent you a mod in this place? You should try acting like one for once and not a silly ass poster who just posts shit for the hell of it. Again why are you so obsessed with Roxy, this is OLD news. If this site wants to ever move forward and by the looks of it that isnt going to happen anytime soon with mods acting so immature.

Give the Roxy thing up, its over and done with but yet people keep bringing it up around here like it just happen. Xpanda and Shrink started a thread because they were threatened by Roxy. Xpanda did the same damn thing that she accused Roxy of doing 2 WEEKS BEFORE THE ROXY THING STARTED. Funny how nobody came out and accused Roxy of being a he before that thread was started. Sure all you clowns were thinking it but nobody had the balls to say it.

Oh btw, I tipped off Roxy about this thread :finger: thats way Roxy responded. Shows you how much you know Mr. Moderator:finger:

Again you seem to be to dense to see what that thread was all about, it was about RECRUITING and those 2 ass clowns are 2 of the biggest offenders of RECRUITING. Then again with the way this site is going, you would have never ever been named a mod if it all didnt go down the way it did.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
letgetiton, I didnt say anything about the person you mention in your post you just made on the internet.

And this is the rubber room, there isnt anything specific we have to talk about. Shoot, you can talk about Keira Knightley and even post pictures of her for all I care.

but now that you have brought it up, I went and actually read the post and I see we are being accused of being cubs bettors.

well listen people, I'll you what. everytime the cubs were playing at 330 on a weekday I just had to toss a few hundred on them. It was a bad habit actually, but one I was thankful to quit.

Yes, I was quite the cool aid drinking cub bettor. But I have learned to lay off the cool aid boys and those crazy afternoon games.

I hope everyone had a good weekend

Sincerly, RobFunk

New member
Mar 15, 2005
RobFunk said:
letgetiton, I didnt say anything about the person you mention in your post you just made on the internet.

And this is the rubber room, there isnt anything specific we have to talk about. Shoot, you can talk about Keira Knightley and even post pictures of her for all I care.

but now that you have brought it up, I went and actually read the post and I see we are being accused of being cubs bettors.

well listen people, I'll you what. everytime the cubs were playing at 330 on a weekday I just had to toss a few hundred on them. It was a bad habit actually, but one I was thankful to quit.

Yes, I was quite the cool aid drinking cub bettor. But I have learned to lay off the cool aid boys and those crazy afternoon games.

I hope everyone had a good weekend

Sincerly, RobFunk

WTF, looks like someone is back on the :drink: again.

Funk, I know this is the RR and just about anything goes. BUT DO NOT INSULT ME by saying you werent referring to Roxy in your post. I am not PRJ and alot of the dumb fucks around here. If your going to argue a point argue the damn point and dont run and hide. Your theory was shot to hell when you found out how Roxy found out about this thread just like alot of other shit you think you know but have no idea. Just ask Alan Palmer :finger: and you will find out I know a helluva lot more than I let on until I am pushed.

BTW, you just proved what a mistake this site made by making you a mod with your rambling comeback. I know you were trying to be funny and cover up for you looking stupid with your chic opening this thread up. Just calm down get off the bottle and you might be a decent mod one of these days. Who knows if your good enough Xpanda might try to recruit you when she comes up for a breath from blowing SHRINKY.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
letgetiton, actually I'm drinking Ice Coffee right now.

And why did you leave the 's' out out of your name? Just curious.

letgetreadytorumble please meet letgetiton

New member
Mar 15, 2005
RobFunk said:
letgetiton, actually I'm drinking Ice Coffee right now.

And why did you leave the 's' out out of your name? Just curious.

letgetreadytorumble please meet letgetiton

See if you knew anything which apparently you dont. letSgetion is trademarked by Miles Lane. Therefore I left the s out to avoid any problems. Obviously you didnt believe me when I told you I know alot more than I let on.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
letgetiton said:
See if you knew anything which apparently you dont. letSgetion is trademarked by Miles Lane. Therefore I left the s out to avoid any problems. Obviously you didnt believe me when I told you I know alot more than I let on.

You're telling me when you chose a screen name here you actually thought that you might be sued for a trademark violation??? I'm just shaking my head.


New member
Mar 15, 2005
juice said:
You're telling me when you chose a screen name here you actually thought that you might be sued for a trademark violation??? I'm just shaking my head.


If you believed what I just typed about the trademark and actually were shaking your head and not laughing at that then you my friend are just as clueless as Funk! One of my many screen names around this joint. I could care less if there is a s in lets or not.

See that is part of the problem with this site, you clowns believe everything you read and dont take into account all the variables that go along with a post. The Roxy is a guy post is a prime example. Everone jumped on that and didnt even realize what the post was really bashing Roxy for. Just like in here Funk thought he was shrewd but when called out he shriveled up like a *****.

I am not going to sit here and explain every little thing to you people because I am out of here real soon. This site is nothing but CBS from 12:30 to 4 every weekday. And for those to damn stupid to figure out what I mean, its a soap opera around here.

Now lets get back to the original reason this thread was started.

Good night!!

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